
Showing posts from 2019


Shri Mataji, Oh Great Goddess,  The benevolent Almighty, Merciful most  An infinite Obeisance to Thee! Accept my reverence, Thy permission! By seeing You, I recognize the Peace By feeling You, I recognize the Joy By recognising You, I recognize my purpose By recognising my purpose, I worship Thee. To be an insignificant morning mist or  Become a bounty laden cloud or Under the bright Sun, or rivers bed Or become a shell in Ocean's fold.. Endless as Thy creation Eventless as Thy Eternity Traceless & Joy abound This drop has become the Ocean,

Behold the Love

I am carried to the shores of Love, by Love, for Love; I am in love with thee Shri Mataji, that I am Thine forever What I love is my self and my self that I love is, Thee I love myself for the way I was created & nourished. I am loving myself for how I am transformed & sustained. I am what I am, meant to be & would be, I am just love. I love the places I had lived, live and would live. I love the people whom I had known, know and would know. I love all, the communities, languages, diversities, I had experienced, experience and would experience. Love all situations & circumstances, calls for action & inaction. Love all that's past, my present and all of future. It's all in my heart that I live and when I forget, I am dead. In love, the elements rejoice in unity & resonate with the harmony of the whole. In love, desire and action is but joy, inspiration & purpose. Love has nothing & none to judge - life, events ...

Nirmal Dham

The Goddess chose this Universe Played the game of creation Chose to dissolve Her in the maya of Her own Creation And this place remind us all The unfulfilled Promises Her Human children made to Her in Time bound Earthly presence She still lives Here, with a Hope An eternal Mother has for Her evolving Children She came many a times before with a Many a forms behold But in this Form She gave everything what is sought for She dissolved Herself in Ether of Billion hearts That will stay for Ages to come Men, Women, Mountains, Land or Seas All we watch with Eternal gratitude and with a Prayer for a day, forever For which She came, Gave Her Being for All becomes One in Her Love


Those Royal walls and Pillars House the Infinite glory time has left A brief left in the glory of The marvelous Architect How lucky that land that beholds The raised corridors where Angels play A timeless Bridge where a Human love merges with the Divine For ages to come, generations to come Every stone tells a story there, Every being that walks, flies & moves Sharing a tradition time immemorial spent in the glance of Merciful Goddess Men come and go, they value not Love of hearts when purified Beauty fills in every dust Beholding the Treasure


Green flowing waters thru' Silence of the winds Music of the waves dancing with Rocks An Ashram serene and simple on the river banks' sands; spread with the art of of the heart The Nature plays hide & seek with the Thoughts- thoughts wanting to Hide all the time Often peeping in to say 'move on, hold not' Mask less faces; effortless phases Deep within emotion embraces Thankful Hearts Holy Mother Graces As valiant sky sprung Infinite From the tiny places The Goddess walked upon!

Simple house

A simple house is a hollow space Made of wood, brick and metal Mother nature weaves many many homes, eternally for billions of Her offsprings. She claims nothing, gives everything in Her powers, but veils in her bosom those secrets, Her eternal Mother has treasured within her; Those secrets are discovered through the Simple hearts those that seek Peace over comfort, Joy over luxury, Collectivity over individualism; It is that heart which recognizes - Love is all and is everything, in this universe known and in those unknown! And the secret which fills the hollowness of that simple house Made of wood,bricks and metal.

Keep me loving

Another time, again and again, I want to long for you Mother Your love, Your grace, Your touch, Your glance Let me love you and eternally long for your love Without the slightest shade of expectation Let me long for your love, more of your love Without the slightest thought of giving Let me give, quenching a bit my search of your love Whether you keep me longing or giving Let me love and be lost in love Neither have I known the meaning or purpose of my love Nor I would ever expect anything in my love Keep me loving, longing in love, for love, to love Keep me under the dried grass on which You sleep in the colony of morning dew; Keep me amidst the flowers begging their worth For them to be on the path you lay your feet; Keep me in the moments that is forgotten and Not asking for favours as these… For Thy will be done, Thy alone will be done


From NOWHERE  flows the inspiration As vacuum absorbs in  Her bosom, the  powerful wind! #haiku


I journey to a destination I seek In solitude, with music of life I came alone, but to celebrate the Collective of angels & humans! Many came before me, for me They perfected this universe Perfecting themselves, seeing The mirror the Goddess made; I came to see the same mirror; I was taught in love by Love To see beyond the clouds, Of my human forms & blemishes! Oh purity of the Sufi, Thee a river Eternally flowing, crisscrossing time Your kith & kin, are but travellers- till Thee forever ensolve in Mother Ocean!