Saturday, June 27, 2020

Cup that holds

Dried off my inspiration, 
I seek thee for help, 
The favour that pours, is not 
worth the cup I hold.

Enlarge me my heart,
To behold Thee, Thine.
This moment and ever;
Shadows gone forever!

A friend far & near

You stay far away, 
yet feel so near;
In my solitude, a friend 
who finds me!

Revelations by the dusk

Such a rhythm & balance,
Mother Nature is Herself;
Setting of the mighty Sun,
Settling into dusky mellow;

From genesis to revelation, 
Such a perfection, joy poised;
No hurry, no pomp, but 
So a very pleasant show!

Let my hearts be so full, 
Never dull even a moment;
A perfection evolving in itself,
A painted canvas in every frame;

Monsoon laden graceful clouds,
Pour unfettered, the heavenly Love;
Ever drenching, the Mother Earth,
A revelation of Genesis, Joy abound!


Let me not partake

Shri Mataji, Our Great Goddess Please permit, that these prayers find Thy Lotus feet! Thee, who verily Shri Ganesh, prevent me; That I never...