Monday, March 23, 2009

When again before Thee?

Death waits at flowers doorstep,
Blissful breeze muse the last secrets of comprehension
The dusk through which the sun bids adieu -
Reminds with all gloominess memories so cherished
Be it Moonlight or dew studded grass tops;
All are bound to disappear in drizzles’ flight.

The penetrating idleness and pervading silence
The Moments stood in Awe, bliss stunned, speechless!
These moments spent in Her Holy presence
Would there be another Birth or Universe there to
Capture or recreate the untold Magic?

Morning mist and first whisper of blooming flower
Eternal horizon and its feet embracing Ocean
Heaven heading peaks and just hugged clouds
Would any of you portray the pain my heart longs
To have that Holy glimpse once more time?

Struck between two worlds as pauses
Drawn between two musical notes
Of death and life-
Of dream and Vision-
Of Thought and Silence-
When though the Magic be wielded?
That Glimpse of Her that even eternity would die for...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

How would I call thee?

Not long ago an Inspiration flowed from Heavens
A voice quite similar to own but of deepest repose
Something Winged brushed me and made me fly

Amazing insights and Chillness in the Hearts
Gently started moving quite further inside
A vacuum started finding its forms as storms so subtle

Expansion in Isolation, boundaries drawn by the One
A stream of music illuminated million galaxies in that little vacuum
Little I really know- What is in store!

A Beam of ray- The soothing it extolled
As it fell on my Heart – Oh heavens should be this thing-Love!
The Dust gathered moss and a dew engulfed oceans

An Image I feebly recognized of that Love
Into my Own but all of Its Own
The One which weathered Absolute in All!

Should I call this my Mother or My Father?
Or the revelations that was Pouring as from Primordial Master
Or But All of this and The God- who came in me to Seek and become?


Let me not partake

Shri Mataji, Our Great Goddess Please permit, that these prayers find Thy Lotus feet! Thee, who verily Shri Ganesh, prevent me; That I never...