
Showing posts from November 21, 2009

6 years passed..

6 years back, by this time, the first answers for the payer of the heart came time has passed since then ups and downs and this leap from 5 to 6 indeed was most challenging and should remind corrections in the journey here after those days of kissing the early morning dew walking high up searches to find You ashes on the forehead, beard and rudhraksh walking on foot miles with one thought of finding a meaning hiding anger, burying passions, eyes on the sky looking ever tears were the only solace my asking to connect with the whole repeating day after day college notes filled with poems of longing and despair signed off as recluse and mad by those in the world the game went on till i met someone impressive carrying Your image in his home wall my freak questions and weird imaginations You answered very patiently Never you let me loose and ensured i let loose all those heavy bonds of non-sense You shone bright day after day And one day the brightness was so impeccable and unbearable whenc...