Thursday, December 24, 2009

A Prayer to Mother India

Mother India, This is our Prayer to thee! 
Would you be born again from the Ancient Past? 
Where Your Children are Enlightened in True Knowledge 
There are always helping hands and Harmonious Hearts 
 There are innocent eyes and dignified minds 
 Head is held firm against the insolent and bent before the wise 
There is more relaxation than waging thoughts 
There is the desire for peace overpowering the desire for 
There is auspiciousness in all that is want and thought 
There is no poverty of wealth, peace and Knowledge for All 
 There are no mind-borne divisions among the lots 
 The Science becomes one with the Spirit in love and Art 
The Religions become one in the will of God 
And there is, the Kingdom of Love, Peace and Eternal Joy 
Oh, Mother! Please awaken in my brethren the true light, 

And Lead the Universe in Your Love’s Might! 
May there be a Glorious Future bettering your Ancient Past.
Would you be born again Mother? 

Saturday, November 21, 2009

6 years passed..

6 years back, by this time,
the first answers for the payer of the heart came
time has passed since then
ups and downs
and this leap from 5 to 6 indeed was most challenging
and should remind corrections in the journey here after
those days of kissing the early morning dew
walking high up searches to find You
ashes on the forehead, beard and rudhraksh
walking on foot miles with one thought of finding a meaning
hiding anger, burying passions, eyes on the sky looking ever
tears were the only solace
my asking to connect with the whole repeating day after day
college notes filled with poems of longing and despair
signed off as recluse and mad by those in the world
the game went on
till i met someone impressive
carrying Your image in his home wall
my freak questions and weird imaginations
You answered very patiently
Never you let me loose and
ensured i let loose all those heavy bonds of non-sense
You shone bright day after day
And one day the brightness was so impeccable and unbearable
whence Thee showed Thy true face
Tears.. just Tears could be my response
Thee took me by heart, pulled my self towards,
walked me thru',
the fountains of joy
day and evening
those special weekends when evenings became endless
dilated and purified
merged my age long loneliness with the
wholeness that Thee had created in
bosoms of patience and love
with all these creatures.. so called humans
who else other than Thee could consume,
the poisons
showering ever rains of bliss infinite
Oh.. I am
as alone and collective
how unworthy still to carry Thy image in heart?
world sees thru' us to see Thy face.. badly reflecting mirrors
i put my head, Thy temple is raised
my sight goes, the fragrance of Thy feet's dust awakes
my hands reach, all the pains are healed
every step of my walk, evokes ripples of love
then i've seen Thy image in my heart
till then i haven't done justice to my tears
for which Thee came
the journey continues
words so dry, praises so superficial
talking high, posing high,
traps of ego's self deception
monsters of conditionings
so low yet
the path of ancient yore
those great sons of Thine walked
is yet to be seen
my dream in You
for You in me

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Play of time

What I should write of dreams that leave traces
Nights have become endless drawn across the memory lanes
Various moments glitter in the evening sky
Some shines; Some fades
Gone with the wind-
colors and forms
But what can take away
The treasures buried deep within
Emotions pour out raining
Earth bear them in fragrance
Mind change tracks, its ways and means
What all these means to the Heart
who just watch all these speechless
Boats travel as oars pedal on
Shades move on as clouds of time move on
Mist is dead and born thousand times
cool moments lingers on, though gone traceless
As play ends, costume changes
Characters mist away in an unnoticed silence
Who knows what roles follow on
As stage is set and lights on
New dreams take forms;
as the next play begins..

Thursday, July 23, 2009

A Thirst

With a Heavy Heart, I walked upon

Lonely, Heart deserted and thirsty

A moment of melancholy pushed the soul deep in repression

In a way pressurizing for a solution

Not knowing the way, I still walked alone

More secluded and buried deep in contemplation

Occasionally dispersing among the clouds

Misting away in evening gloom’s delight

As walked more and more, legs begged rest

I solaced my legs and wearied mind under a tree's crest

Looked upon, looked beneath, glanced all around

And Closed the eyes hoping none to surround

Various images filled my mind’s pane-

Withering leaves, evolving time, days and nights

Young and Old, Body and Soul;

Virtues and Sins; choices and changes;

I let go all of them

One after another, One over another

They flashed, disappeared and re-appeared

Until soothing breeze emanated from within

I started paying attention to this mystery within

Not in my control, Breeze flowed better and better

Making the burden of my soul lighter and lighter

I asked what is next as all appeared to be a mist

Breeze flowered out

Bridging the within and without

I am in the middle as the fragrance' let-out

Offered at the Glorious One's profound

Silence spoke the secret of the mystics

In expression subtle and exquisite

I am became my Own

In identifying with the Truth of the One who truly owns

Deciphering secret codes of silence

My heart merged with the Universal resilience

Amidst the ever moving and unmoving galaxies

I found alone again but joyously with a thirst of different buoyancy!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

A Journey with you in Solitude

I am walking alone
A journey absolutely alone
I am in company of none 

You my joy of Solitude

No hopes or wants
No friends or foes; kith or kin
I am absolutely alone- 

You alone my bliss

Thee behold my happiness
Thy  the mirror of my joy
Sky ceased to veil over –

Your glance is my horizon

Nights have become endless
Days forget to cease in your presence
Neither night nor Day matters -

Thy feet’s dust is my Being's abode

Forgot to mind this body that comes along
The thoughts expand in cosmos to disappear traceless
This way.. Where it goes, what comes along 

The trace of thy love leads, my heart follows

Heart has swallowed all that exists
Little vision left in the Eyes for it hopelessly watches the Invisible
Yesterday and Tomorrow have misted away- 

You my Heart, its abode and the way endless!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Go On and On..

  Till the ground hard and fast...Sow the seeds gentle with 
benevolent care;

 Sleep the night well and save strength for the next day's 
toil and fray;

Unravel the mysteries of the beyond in pauses of the play of 
a never ending day:-

Keep your ploughs ever bend forwards but handles well clasped firm with 
hope and faith;

Go on and on till the day of collective harvests dawn lest the grace of the 
Goddess showers hovers upon!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Just Be..

Oh Goddess!
I wanted to sing my tunes of longing for you
I wished I become the tunes in Praise of you
I desired to express me in whole so the World hears
I asked you before doing all these and you said
‘If your Wish is to please me at the first place,
Just Be Silent!’

Monday, March 23, 2009

When again before Thee?

Death waits at flowers doorstep,
Blissful breeze muse the last secrets of comprehension
The dusk through which the sun bids adieu -
Reminds with all gloominess memories so cherished
Be it Moonlight or dew studded grass tops;
All are bound to disappear in drizzles’ flight.

The penetrating idleness and pervading silence
The Moments stood in Awe, bliss stunned, speechless!
These moments spent in Her Holy presence
Would there be another Birth or Universe there to
Capture or recreate the untold Magic?

Morning mist and first whisper of blooming flower
Eternal horizon and its feet embracing Ocean
Heaven heading peaks and just hugged clouds
Would any of you portray the pain my heart longs
To have that Holy glimpse once more time?

Struck between two worlds as pauses
Drawn between two musical notes
Of death and life-
Of dream and Vision-
Of Thought and Silence-
When though the Magic be wielded?
That Glimpse of Her that even eternity would die for...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

How would I call thee?

Not long ago an Inspiration flowed from Heavens
A voice quite similar to own but of deepest repose
Something Winged brushed me and made me fly

Amazing insights and Chillness in the Hearts
Gently started moving quite further inside
A vacuum started finding its forms as storms so subtle

Expansion in Isolation, boundaries drawn by the One
A stream of music illuminated million galaxies in that little vacuum
Little I really know- What is in store!

A Beam of ray- The soothing it extolled
As it fell on my Heart – Oh heavens should be this thing-Love!
The Dust gathered moss and a dew engulfed oceans

An Image I feebly recognized of that Love
Into my Own but all of Its Own
The One which weathered Absolute in All!

Should I call this my Mother or My Father?
Or the revelations that was Pouring as from Primordial Master
Or But All of this and The God- who came in me to Seek and become?


Let me not partake

Shri Mataji, Our Great Goddess Please permit, that these prayers find Thy Lotus feet! Thee, who verily Shri Ganesh, prevent me; That I never...