Keep me loving

Another time, again and again, I want to long for you Mother Your love, Your grace, Your touch, Your glance Let me love you and eternally long for your love Without the slightest shade of expectation Let me long for your love, more of your love Without the slightest thought of giving Let me give, quenching a bit my search of your love Whether you keep me longing or giving Let me love and be lost in love Neither have I known the meaning or purpose of my love Nor I would ever expect anything in my love Keep me loving, longing in love, for love, to love Keep me under the dried grass on which You sleep in the colony of morning dew; Keep me amidst the flowers begging their worth For them to be on the path you lay your feet; Keep me in the moments that is forgotten and Not asking for favours as these… For Thy will be done, Thy alone will be done