
Showing posts from 2023

Let me not partake

Shri Mataji, Our Great Goddess Please permit, that these prayers find Thy Lotus feet! Thee, who verily Shri Ganesh, prevent me; That I never partake in the collective human lust By Thy eternal grace & love, may I absolutely remain innocent! Thee, who verily Shri Lakshmi, prevent me; That I never partake in the collective human greed! By Thy eternal grace & love, may I absolutely remain content! Thee, who verily Shri Saraswati, prevent me; That I never partake in the collective human materialism! By Thy eternal grace & love, may I  absolutely remain detached! Thee, who verily Shri Adi Guru, prevent me; That I never partake in the collective human illusions! By Thy eternal grace & love, may I absolutely remain enlightened! Thee, who verily Shri Durga, prevent me  That I never partake in the collective human insecurities! By Thy eternal grace & Love, may I  absolutely remain secured!  Thee, who verily Shri Radhakrishna, prevent me; That I never parta...

Be the Love

The Great Mother is Love in the Heart! Let the beauty of what we see, be the Love in the Heart, Else it's neither beauty nor Love! Let the wisdom that we hear, be the love in the Heart, Else it's neither wisdom nor Love! Let the work we do, be the Love in the Heart Else it's neither work nor Love! Let the joy we seek, be the Love in the Heart Else it's neither Joy nor Love! Let the vision we behold, be the Love in the Heart Else it's neither vision nor Love! Let the worship we do, be the Love in the Heart Else it's neither worship nor Love! Let the life we live, be the Love in the Heart Else it's neither life nor Love! Sat-Chit-Anand, is but Love in the Heart!