6 years passed..

6 years back, by this time,
the first answers for the payer of the heart came
time has passed since then
ups and downs
and this leap from 5 to 6 indeed was most challenging
and should remind corrections in the journey here after
those days of kissing the early morning dew
walking high up searches to find You
ashes on the forehead, beard and rudhraksh
walking on foot miles with one thought of finding a meaning
hiding anger, burying passions, eyes on the sky looking ever
tears were the only solace
my asking to connect with the whole repeating day after day
college notes filled with poems of longing and despair
signed off as recluse and mad by those in the world
the game went on
till i met someone impressive
carrying Your image in his home wall
my freak questions and weird imaginations
You answered very patiently
Never you let me loose and
ensured i let loose all those heavy bonds of non-sense
You shone bright day after day
And one day the brightness was so impeccable and unbearable
whence Thee showed Thy true face
Tears.. just Tears could be my response
Thee took me by heart, pulled my self towards,
walked me thru',
the fountains of joy
day and evening
those special weekends when evenings became endless
dilated and purified
merged my age long loneliness with the
wholeness that Thee had created in
bosoms of patience and love
with all these creatures.. so called humans
who else other than Thee could consume,
the poisons
showering ever rains of bliss infinite
Oh.. I am
as alone and collective
how unworthy still to carry Thy image in heart?
world sees thru' us to see Thy face.. badly reflecting mirrors
i put my head, Thy temple is raised
my sight goes, the fragrance of Thy feet's dust awakes
my hands reach, all the pains are healed
every step of my walk, evokes ripples of love
then i've seen Thy image in my heart
till then i haven't done justice to my tears
for which Thee came
the journey continues
words so dry, praises so superficial
talking high, posing high,
traps of ego's self deception
monsters of conditionings
so low yet
the path of ancient yore
those great sons of Thine walked
is yet to be seen
my dream in You
for You in me


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