Greatest truth is revealed when we face our deepest fears!
As windmills of time ripen the fruit open to reveal the seed.
The journey of evolution is turbulently spiral;
For the firmest resolution to ascend, is cyclical.
We enjoy, we forget; we struggle, we remember;
Who escapes this design but for the one who soar!
Behold your friends, still they may desert you;
Behold the trust, still it would betray you;
Plans after plans crumbles as pack of cards,
Destiny after mutiny, hides in the light of stars;
In this game, the illusion of leading is veil of struggle;
Fame and shame, convolves pain with every purpose.
What you do when winds stop breezing you?
How do you move when lethargy stalls binding you?
Talk empty philosophies & inherited glories of past?
Or walk in crowd, heads straight as if no shadows last?
My friend, my soul, I am seeing you from within;
I stayed within you, before you knew yourself.
I have read your journey before your first step.
You may cover yourself with thousands faces, but I am the true voice beyond the reasons!
Because I can never cease to leave you or love you, let me say this dear resident of my heart;
Greatest truth is but revealed when you face your deepest fears!