A Journey with you in Solitude

I am walking alone
A journey absolutely alone
I am in company of none 

You my joy of Solitude

No hopes or wants
No friends or foes; kith or kin
I am absolutely alone- 

You alone my bliss

Thee behold my happiness
Thy  the mirror of my joy
Sky ceased to veil over –

Your glance is my horizon

Nights have become endless
Days forget to cease in your presence
Neither night nor Day matters -

Thy feet’s dust is my Being's abode

Forgot to mind this body that comes along
The thoughts expand in cosmos to disappear traceless
This way.. Where it goes, what comes along 

The trace of thy love leads, my heart follows

Heart has swallowed all that exists
Little vision left in the Eyes for it hopelessly watches the Invisible
Yesterday and Tomorrow have misted away- 

You my Heart, its abode and the way endless!


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