You make me drink the rivers of poison
I am untouched; I am intoxicated by divine bliss
You make hear the fire of abuses and garlands of praises
I am untouched; I am herald of eternal lightening
You try wooing me with million temptations of earth
I am untouched; I am an infinite column of thoughtless radiance
You try destroying me by all weapons of the world
I am untouched; I am the both the brittle metal and the melting fire
You try burning me with flames of the fire
I am untouched; I am essence of effulgence in a flame
You try burying me into the core of the earth
I am untouched; I am that blossoms out as flower’s fragrance
You throw me deep inside the Ocean
I am untouched; I am the silence of the wave less waters
You try throwing me into roaring hurricanes
I am untouched; I am both the eternal breath and the pervading sky