Detachment - An introspection
Those ideals, that persistently challenge the status quo of comfort;
Those challenges, that won't go that easily, are wrapped in hard misidentifications.
Those misidentifications, that are subtle & sly, hiding in the guise of conditionings;
Those conditionings that are favoured by bondages of blood & belongings;
Those belongings wielding the pangs of emotional attachments & wants;
Those emotions & wants fed by evolutionary vulnerabilities of subtle system;
That subtle system clouded by delusions & treaded by illusions.
Those illusions & delusions that come through forms of thoughts & intent;
Those thoughts & intent fail to grasp the reality that's beyond its realm;
That reality lost in deep abyss, but which heart yearns to discover;
That heart touched by graceful light recognises the beauty of joy;
This Joy establishes the eternal connection to the source of its existence;
That existence unfathomably expansive while intrinsically simple;
This simple truth profoundly mysterious expresses as unblemished Love;
This Love supreme binds all existences, detaching the "existence" of all bondage.