Just a piece of land
Just a piece of land
Belongs to none,
But belongs to all—
As for an ant, so for a man!
Nations man created,
Claim this as theirs,
Fight over to win over—
Land flooded with blood.
Possession, a grand illusion,
Nations assume as power,
Mortals assume for security,
Burnt oil for life unfound.
God’s own, alone owns.
One claims, the other buys
That which belongs to them not—
Forever fooling ages long.
Playing such games of illusion
For long keeps truth hidden far.
Natural order of harmony lives
When shared together for all.
O Goddess, for ages thousand,
Have I played these dreams so false.
No more—Thee, leave me from Thy glance.
Comfort, granting ‘this’ a space in Thy realm.
Just a piece of land
Belongs to none,
But belongs to all—
As for an ant, so for a man.