Auspicious time
It has been an auspicious time, I would say, these past one month or so has been!
Should we call all good goodie happy times of celebration alone as auspicious?
Might if it would be in a clean house, when the beautiful traditional lamp is lit, it lights up an aura of blessed poise and sense of auspiciousness!
But the world we live, these modern times, Are our houses clean?
The House- that is our World, the Country, the State, the society, the Self!!
So what happens when the "Light" comes, we say "darkness" is removed!
What it means to be removal of darkness? - The expose of the ugliness, the dirt, the filth within and without- of House.
Coming to the subject, Yes, past one month or so has been a blessed auspicious time for this county- so many scandals exposed, so many masks teared and paraded naked-North, South, East and West- Nothing excluded. Commonwealth games scam, Adarsh house scam, 2G spectrum scam, Radia tapes, Karnataka land scam, Wikileaks, etc. Even way down south in neighboring Sri Lanka feels the light- the new found tapes released by UK media just today on war crimes and Genocide promises Justice. All for the Auspiciousness to follow.
Since 3rd of Nov till 4th of Dec- In Subtle of Subtle essence, Men of Truth will know as the blessed time, this country has been experiencing in the recent times. Does that mean 4th Dec marks the end of auspicious time? I dont feel so.. Rather I feel the this is the time fire lit by tail of the Monkey king has fed the dark forests set ablaze.. Now just with time, this is just going to grow.. more and more in intensity and strength. And folks wait little more- for many more of your demi gods- be it personalities/ ur high held concepts of greatness- to fall down with their true faces revealed and ugliness exposed!
by the way, 3 of my fav movies in aspiration get released in this auspicious time-
1. Nandalala (Tamil)- A story of Children in search of Mother.. finding in themselves the divinity of such a journey!
2. Khelein Hum Jee Jaan Sey (Hindi)- A story of Struggle for Freedom and forgotten heroes!
3. Narnia-3- the journey of the dawn treader. A story of Prophecy and action of "revelations".. and assurance that "Light" wins over "evil"!
Are these 3 independent of each other?
In dark- they are!
In "Light"- They aren't!
Now a days- The Almighty does not "speak" any but Just "Reveals" much obvious than ever before! Those who have the eyes will see the light!